Traditional Irish Colcannon

What is in Colcannon? There are as many recipes for this mashed potato dish as there are cooks in Ireland. Each household and region has a favorite way of cooking colcannon. What seems to be commonplace in all of them is generous amounts of butter, potatoes, and cabbage or kale as the vegetable of choice … Continue reading Traditional Irish Colcannon

Apples and Pumpkins and Cranberries, Oh My!

Like other dark colored berries, cranberries are a superfood and antioxidant powerhouse. These ruby-red beauties may are anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants and they rank just below blueberries (often called the king of antioxidants) in antioxidant potency. Scientific Health Benefits of Cranberries The vitamin C in cranberries supports immunity and is required to make collagen, … Continue reading Apples and Pumpkins and Cranberries, Oh My!

Modest March

As we take a look at the still-barren earth, awaiting the warming of the soil, in hopes of a glimpse of green, the promise of Spring on the horizon, we plan for the future.

Sweet Potato Medallions

My Sweet Potato Medallions make for a nice, spicy side dish, or cut them into quarters after baking and use to top a salad! So yummy and incredibley simple to make! Ingredients Sweet Potatoes, sliced 1/4" thick and spread on baking sheet lined with parchment so they aren't touching. Sprinkle with Cajun Seasonings and bake … Continue reading Sweet Potato Medallions